
Diplomatie. Les visiteurs français en Iran invités à quitter le pays «dans les plus brefs délais»

Après avoir rompu toutes les relations diplomatiques avec l’Iran, le président français Emmanuel Macron met en garde ceux qui ne quitteraient pas le territoire iranien « dans les plus brefs délais ».

Diplomatie. Les visiteurs français en Iran invités à quitter le pays «dans les plus brefs délais»

The French government has advised its citizens to leave Iran as soon as possible due to the deteriorating security situation in the country. The Islamic Republic of Iran is in the midst of a political crisis, with widespread protests and violence taking place. The French government is concerned that the situation could deteriorate further, and that its citizens could be caught in the middle of it.

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The French government has advised its citizens to leave Iran as soon as possible, due to the deteriorating security situation in the country. The government has also warned against travelling to Iran, citing the risk of kidnapping and terrorism. These warnings come after a number of high-profile incidents, including the kidnapping of two French nationals in 2016.

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The French government has advised its citizens to leave Iran « as soon as possible, » citing the deteriorating security situation in the country. In a statement released on Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry said that « the security of French nationals in Iran is no longer guaranteed. » The move comes amid growing tensions between Iran and the West, and follows a similar warning issued by the British government last week.

La France a appelé ses ressortissants en Iran à quitter le pays «dans les plus brefs délais», après que l’Iran a annoncé qu’il allait augmenter son enrichment d’uranium. Cela pourrait signifier une escalation de la tension entre l’Iran et l’Occident, alors que les États-Unis ont déjà imposé des sanctions économiques draconiennes contre le régime iranien. La diplomatie française est en train de travailler activement pour essayer de désamorcer la situation avant qu’elle ne s’envenime encore plus.

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